Drums Of Hope
We Love Because He First Loved Us

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide assistance to refugees, immigrants, the homeless and the underserved, empowering them to become self-sufficient. We work with charities and other organizations by providing funding for food, shelter, and clothing. We also provide health education and supplies to underserved populations, and funding to assist
with acquisition and development of skills and to acquire crafts training. Our donations help to provide other diverse needs like transportation and English language tutoring. We also volunteer in various initiatives that enable refugees, immigrants and the underserved to integrate into the society.

About Us
Started in 2018 by healthcare professionals to provide basic supplies to refugees, like soap and clothing to newly delivered mothers and children, we try to help wherever help is needed.
In December last year, we held an open air COVID health education and the free mask giveaway, mostly to more than 100 homeless on Central Ave., Albuquerque, NM. We also have also donated clothing, shoes and other items to various organizations and homeless shelters. We continue to find ways to fulfill our calling not to grow tired of doing good.